Review Recap

Jason’s Movie BlogA Movie Blog for the Latest Movie Reviews, Trailers, and MoreCome Away (2020) Review



The tales of both Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise have been dearest tales for generations to hear around; conjuring upward imaginative fantasies of courageous journeys in Neverland and also odd admirations in Paradise. Throughout the years, the tales written by novelist / dramatist J.M. Barrie and also novelist Lewis Carroll have enchanted young and also antiquated readers / audiences within their complex adaptations rendered from their tales that either follows the experience of Alice in the mesmerizing cosmos Paradise or the Beloved bro or sis’ journeys with Peter Pan in Neverland. As to be anticipated, Hollywood (both on the tiny and also substantial monitor) possesses pilfered an emphasis in these two spawn’s tales; cultivating a plethora of complex TV / movie adaptations throughout the years, entailing computer animated motion images, anime mirrors, live-deed flicks, with some notable ones unborn from Disney Workshops (i.e., 1951’s Alice in Paradise 1953’s Peter Pan respectfully). Now, Relativity Media and also director Brenda Chapman position a unrivaled movie that combines the tales of Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise in prequel reportage with the movie Come Away. Performs the movie enchant audiences with its wonderous thieve on Barrie / Carroll’s tales or is it a dream patchwork perplex of a service?

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In the English countryside, the Littleton bro or sis, entailing investigative Alice (Keira Chansa), her troublesome bro Peter (Jordan A. Nash), and also their gruel senior bro David (Reece Yates) make it possible for their unbridled imaginations run psychopathic; spending the days on plenty of journeys underneath the timberland backdrop of their abode. Advised by their parents, Jack (David Oyelowo) and also Rose (Angelina Jolie), the Littleton sons’ have fun in render-assume tea parties and also combating off against pirates. Yet, their imaginative period of merit comes to an laconic expire when tragedy whacks the Littleton family; inducing the family to shatter and also to loss prey to desperation. Via a numbness thriving and also a hefty economic burden upon the Littleton, Peter, eager to substantiate himself, journey with Alice to London, whereby they dare to sell a valued family heirloom to the malevolent pawnshop owner known as C.J. (David Gyasi). What awaits Alice and also Peter is a self-exploration journey around themselves, with Alice dreaming of a wonderous land and also Red Queen, while her bro wants a mesmerizing land of pirates and also Wasted Boys that dwell there.

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Like plenty of thriving upward, the fairy-advice tales of Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise are some of my favorite babyhood tales. Both tales display display expurgate plenty of wonderment and also toddler-advice awe within their tales that I personally display display expurgate the right amount of avoidance and also experience from any guy. I mediocre…that didn’t pine to obtain compelled in Paradise or Neverland throughout their babyhood. I surely did. As claimed overhanging, there possesses been plenty of TV mirrors / movie adaptations rendered from either Peter Pan or Alice in Paradise throughout the years. Of training course, some of my user favorite ones would most clearly the two computer animated Disney motion images (as to be anticipated), but there were others that I grew to advice, entailing the TV mirrors As conveniently as Upon a Time and also Peter Pan and also the Pirates. In the literary, there were two YA spawn’s tales that thieve a brand name-modern spin on these standards with the catapults of “The Glancing Glass Battles” trilogy by Frank Beddor and also the “Peter and also the Starcatchers” series by Dave Barry. Both of which I would most clearly super prescribe. Nonetheless, regardless of which version of the tale you remember the most, the tales of both Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise will strengthen to enchant audiences within its plucky / wonderment tales.

This lugs me endorse around to talking around Come Away, a 2020 dream dramatization movie that sets to contemplate both Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise tales in a prequel story. In all honesty, I actually didn’t hear much around this particular movie as it sort of went “under my movie radar” for pretty some time. I think the first time I heard around the job was when the movie’s trailer showed up online a few months endorse (from the time of writing this revisit) with a reserved US unshackle date for November 13th, 2020….on digital recording solutions. From the trailer one by one, the movie did attractiveness pretty intriguing. The movie sort of reminded me of Orientation Neverland and also Tolkien; both of which actually did advice. So, I was soaked up in commentating the movie, but I forgotten to post the movie’s movie trailer on my blog (my derogatory). That being claimed, since I job retail (currently), the getaway season eaten my attention and also I sort of coerced commentating this movie and also few weeks after its November 13th unshackle date, which was launched electronically on recording solutions. So, I last but not least had the chance to sit down and also watch Come Away….and also what did I think of it? Well, it was simply all right. While the intent is there and also some of imaginative parts most clearly job, Come Away is an overstuffed movie deals most half-baked suggestions. It’s not a hellish movie, but it most clearly can’ve been much closer with a much closer reportage.

Come Away is channelled by Brenda Chapman, whose previous directorial works contains The Prince of Egypt and also Bold. Ranked her background in spawn’s celebration (i.e., alluding script, story company), Chapman seems advice a relevant selection to helm this particular theatrical movie job; approaching Come Away with a sense of imaginative awe that clashes with the cruel reality of the real cosmos. Chapman surely earns the service feel welcoming; framing the service with nice touch of family dramatization that’s welcoming for sons and also grown-ups in something that’s cozy reminiscent to Orientation Neverland, specifically since both flicks deportment as origins reportage to the Peter Pan (one being the much more justifiable version how J.M. Barrie advised to write Peter Pan and also the opposite other a imaginative thieve on the prequel tale to Peter Pan). In this supportive, Chapman takes care of to cultivate a dream family dramatization that possesses plenty of heart and also imaginative strokes throughout. Speaking of creativity, Come Away is at its flawless when Chapman concentrates the webcam curve on the imaginative journeys that Alice, Peter, and also David go on; incorporating a particular type of imaginative fun that’s reminiscent to vibrant babyhood shenanigans that come alive. Subsequently, brief sequences hunks of them combating pirates, swordplay, and also the Red Queen most clearly are reflect of the service’s stresses.

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In the movie’s demo, Come Away is a nice and also well-crafted movie that most clearly “visual appeals and also feel” advice scenic, regardless of the movie’s derogatory times (much more on that underneath). The attention to detail throughout the movie’s backdrop furthering is quaint and also scenic to consultation; nailing a dazzling furthering of the English countryside and also a uninspiring bustling highway life of London. To me, it virtually possesses a “storybook” attribute. Subsequently, the movie’s “behind the scenes” team, entailing Luciana Arrighi (manufacturing layouts), Liz Ainley and also Kate Sullivan (set decors), Louise Stjernsward (costume layouts), and also Jules O’Loughlin (cinematography), for their well-rendered / well-designed set-hunks, garments, and also webcam angles that render the movie scenic. Conversely, the movie’s seniority, which was written by John Debney, melodically recharged with some scenic hunks that surely mirror the Littleton family’s fingering journey in the movie, entailing tender personality conversation minutes to plucky toddler-advice admirations.

However, Come Away comes upward brief and also expires upward being a stumping and also perplexing undertaking that possesses a hard time in combating to equilibrium extravagant nature and also wholehearted dramatization. How so? Well, for beginners, the reportage story of Come Away is pretty overstuffed; packing most hunks into the motion image tale that inevitably wear’t frying pan out. Yes, I execute advice how the movie incorporates most nuances from the two tales, but the movie inevitably takes on much more of a bite that it can chew, which upshots in a agglomeration packed suggestions that wear’t actually frying pan out the solve means. This actually boils down to the service’s script dealing with, which was penned by Marissa Kate Goodhill. Goodhill’s script is too bustling in what it wishes to case and also reflect than actually crunch with Chapman’s guideline for the movie and also the time restraints that’s the service holds, with Come Away owning a runtime of 94 minutes (one hour and also thirty-4 minutes). Anew, this earns the job have a fingering of owning half-baked suggestions posed in the reportage that either inevitably frying pan out correctly or genuinely feels underdeveloped from the obtain-go. If Come Away was posed as a mini-series / restricted series, the story can’ve been much much closer and also can’ve profited in broadening its items (both storytelling admires and also personality machine). Speaking of the reportage, both the script and also guideline of the movie possesses some rickety suggestions on how to thieve care of such nuances from Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise. It’s pretty legible that the facets of Peter Pan are much more strong and also much closer signified in the story of Come Away than it executes with the admires of Alice in Paradise. Subsequently, the nuances of Alice in Paradise are rather much shortchanged, which is displeasing.

This in enlargement spills into Chapman’s guideline for the movie, which is in enlargement a snippet rickety at complex times throughout the movie. While her attention to detail and also wholehearted minutes are well-posed, her guideline can be a minuscule snippet misplaced, specifically when inspecting the movie’s nostalgic tones and also equilibrium. What execute I mediocre? Well, the movie can’t actually locate a proper target viewer. Some admires laid-endorse fun, while others are a snippet somber and also terrifying. So….is the movie for sons? Or Grownups? It’s actually hard to locate and also upshots in the movie that actually fights to provide to its audiences; resulting in a service that possesses an personality meltdown. Conversely, the movie’s expiring seems rather hurried, specifically when the movie itself is around to obtain to some of the “juicer” fragments of Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise, with Come Away quickly expiring in a means that, while crucial, genuinely feels advice a snippet of a downer. Chapman in enlargement fights in demonstrating those personality-designed minutes in the movie due to the burdens of the overstuffed script dealing with for the job. Inevitably, Come Away possesses a nice story to tell, but frame job and also how its implemented hinders from reaching a scenic Orientation Neverland variable of which the movie hysterically wishes to attain (i.e. a equilibrium of wholehearted storytelling and also personality dramatization).

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The cast in Come Away executes a respectable job in boosting some of those criticism times that I rendered overhanging, but (however) none of them are actually “wow” practicalities. That being claimed, none of them are hellish and also / or derogatory claimed…. there is simply (advice the movie itself) somewhere in in between. The movie’s main triad spawn personalities (Alice, Peter, and also David) thieve most of the core spotlight in the movie, with the young making assume talents of starlet Keira Chansa (Nationwide Theatre Live: Tidbit Island and also Faith) and also actors Jordan A. Nash (Harlots and also Aladdin) and also Reece Yates (Les Pathetic) issuing to be competent in undertaking the bulk of the hefty-lifting for most of the service’s runtime. Like all toddler actors, their extravagant charismata substantiates to be definite too as some of the much more tender / wholehearted minutes, but neither Chansa nor Nash or Yates evolve on pretty that remarkable functionality to render them actually standout. Some of the personality arcs are intriguing (again, how the script shapes the Peter Pan / Alice reportage), but can’ve been readily expanded upon. On the flip side, I execute advice the hunch that the movie’s main personalities are rendered upward of making assume talents of shade rather than the stock takes that Hollywood flicks of past. So, for all of its tropes and also mistakes that Come Away drops prey to, it’s pretty legible that the movie is heading in the right guideline in specifications of diversity. And personally…. this didn’t challenge me at all as I totally thieve on this hunch.

Behind them and also virtually anchoring the service is the making assume talents of their x-rated co-celebrities, with starlet Angelina Jolie and also celeb David Oyelowo that tinker the parents of Alice, Peter, and also David….Rose and also Jack Littleton. Jolie, known for her chores in Maleficent, Changeling, and also Lady, Interrupted, executes a nice job in nailing Rose, with plenty of wholehearted minutes of a weak mama, while Oyelowo, known for his chores in Selma, Queen of Katwe, and also Celebrity Battles Rebels, is just as definite as Jack, a male that is combating to lend for his family and also attempting to preserve an eye on his spawn. Together, both Jolie and also Oyelowo aid advice the service as the much more “seasoned” or “substantial ticketed” celebrities for Come Away and also surely substantiate that time. Yet, the story doesn’t make it possible for these two particular talents to render their integrating personality their super own; rendering the personalities of Rose and also Jack rather indifferent and also generic.

The opposite other sustaining big personalities in Come Away are sift of breaches on the personalities from Peter Pan or Alice in Paradise, entailing starlet Anna Chancellor (The Hitchhiker’s Overview to the Galaxy and also What a Lady Wants) as Rose’s sister Eleanor and also actors David Gyasi (Maleficent: Mistress of Wickedness and also Interstellar) as Jack’s bro CJ and also Clarke Peters (The Wire and also His Dark Wares) as Jack / CJ’s dad Hatter. Frequently, these personalities are supposed to be pointers for the Pan / Alice personalities (i.e., Eleanor = Red Queen, CJ = to Captain James Hook, and also Hatter = Crazy Hatter) and also their personality personas mirror that (albeit in the real cosmos). Yet, these particular personalities are rather level past their first arrangement and also expire upward being rather lightweight, with neither Chapman’s guideline nor Goodhill’s script offering them anything to tinker off of. The expire upshot are personalities that are well-claimed, but taken off with minuscule to zero crud, regardless of their repute to the reportage, and also can’ve been readily expanded upon (as claimed overhanging). Kind of a substantial wastefulness / missed out on avenue to me.

The rest of the cast, entailing starlet Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Belle and also Knockout and also the Beast) as the x-rated version of Alice, starlet Jenny Galloway (Farmstead Hill and also Weirdsister College) as Hannah O’Farrel, celeb Derek Jacobi (Gladiator and also Hamlet) as Mr. Brown, and also celeb Michael Caine (The Dark Knight and also The Sooth American) as Charlie, are in minuscule sustaining gamers in the movie. While most of these personalities are, much more or much less, restricted by their monitor-time and also not actually opined to be expanded upon in the movie, these making assume talents obtain the job implemented; making their past personality celeb / renowned chores talk for themselves in the movie.



In a time of babyhood awe and also cruel reality, two bro or sis embark upon two opposite paths that integrate with the origins of two dearest fairy tales in the movie Come Away. Director Brenda Chapman’s dream dramatization takes reportage duresses of Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise and also amasses a prequel of sorts to both; offering upward an wholehearted thieve on the merit of babyhood in an period of thriving upward. However, while some imaginative parts job too as some of the service’s demo / manufacturing attribute, and also some respectable making assume, the bulk of the movie genuinely feels asymmetric and also half-baked; overstuffing its reportage in a perplexing means and also too much of a moody means. Personally, this movie was somewhere in between respectable and also all right. I obtain surely obtain what the filmmakers were attempting to convey in this movie and also some of the variable execute job, but the movie itself is a snippet loose and also below-par at flawless. Subsequently, my referral point of perceive for this movie would most clearly conceivably be a “hesitant selection” as some might advice it, while opposite other will feel startled by the time the service reaches its expiring. In the expire, Come Away is a respectable dare to footway the two fictional tales of Peter Pan and also Alice in Paradise with each other, but render utilizations bygone within complication of weaving these origin tales with an overstuffed and also stumping story.

3.0 Out of 5 (Suspicious Option)

Unleashed On: November 13th, 2020
Weighed On: December 27th, 2020

Come Away is 94 minutes long and also is ranked PG for tenacious thematic web content, some physical violence, dream deed, and also troubling envisions

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