Review Recap

The Fall Guy (2024) Review



A stunt entertainer (usually referred to be termed a “stuntman” or “stuntwoman” or even “stuntperson”) is a trained consumer workaday who conducts bold acts as a career. Not to be perplexed via adventurers, who are performers that snag bold acts / accomplishments for a live target bazaar, stunt performers have appeared on both the miniscule and beefy sport unit, and usually snag the place of an additional actor, via their arenae tag tag “stunt twin” to perform such crazy scenes. Singularly, they are basically the “unsung heroes” of those drastically same productions, via their names (and their job) receiving coerced aside for other mark key players on those undertakings. Such practices as stunt entertainer have been around for instead some time (provided that the early days of filmmaking) and are well-versed in both choregraphing and snugly placement on-sport reaction sequences that appear to be treacherous, crazy, or even lethal. Such returning productivity of scenes entails auto crashes, dropping from nice apexes, being drag behind a auto / points, strong fight sequences, and high charged of explosions scenes. While reaction oriented flicks / television shows are such prime hunters to be intake stunt performers, this isn’t banned to that precise style as other languages, entailing traumatic, comedy, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, have unanimously obtained earn utility of of such workaday clientele to tug off such nice remarkable sequences in a effortlessly imposed manner that retrieves that opportune inoculation for the openings, while also handled by a person who recognizes the safeguard and statutes. Now, International Images and supervisor David Leitch positions a flick that screens the “stunt stretch” receiving their matching motion image limelight in the motion image The Fall Guy. Does this reaction-comedy openings position that precise “appealing place” in between smash hit recreation and homage refences to the arenae or is it unanimously melee and not enough spirit within its motion imagine’s compound?

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Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling) is a workaday stunt entertainer, who is having a flirty fling via flick camera operator Jody Moreno (Emily Honest). The pair are currently operating together an reaction motion image, which superstars beefy-time celeb Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), and are reaping their time via each other throughout their time start. Singularly, the job comes via its pitfalls as Colt debacle a sudden wrangle throughout the utility’s manufacturing, wounding his ago in the process and disclaiming the career. 18 months afterwards, Colt is struggling and unfulfilled via his current vitality, yet retrieves an unintended telephone call from Gail Meyer (Hannah Waddingham), Ryder’s mastermind, who is seeking the previous stuntman to come out of retired life and to be a void of her the majority of current manufacturing “Metalstorm”, which possesses Jody seated in the supervisor’s chair for her beefy launching. Traveling to Mexico, Colt, who didn’t render call via Jody throughout their time away via each other, tries to position a approach to express his feelings to her, perplexing his ex-spouse, who is sensation the last bargains of moviemaking and the pressure of trying to helm the imagine’s surveillance. Singularly, chore certainly refers to as for something a stack more than stunt job once Tom Ryder goes missing out on, via Gail inquiring Colt to the irritated pro, without inducing focus to his loss. Unwillingly approving the assignment, Colt follows the clues in the direction of Ryder’s last realised location, which leads to a considerable stranger’s corpse in the actor’s hideaway void. Sustain that there shows up to be a stack more going on that Gail possesses briefed him around Ryder’s lack, Colt seizes off to come to be aware the defect, digging deep into deeper right into situating Tom, while trying to grasp Jody’s focus, wanting there can be heat beneath her iciness.

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As proclaimed overhead, stunt performers on both TV and flicks are the “unsung heroes” of those productions. They wear’t recover basically enough credit neither the appreciation that they been worthy of for the crazy pitfalls that they snag. Viewing unanimously those multifaceted accomplishments that snag place in flicks (and TV caboodle) of those auto chase sequences that have plenty of spins and revolves, those beefy-time explosions that adhere to throughout strong sequences of “perform or evolve away” minutes, and even those strong combatting  that require some choreographic maneuvering. Unanimously of those such strategies are what renders us (the viewers) be “wowed” over in motion image love, via such crazy accomplishments being snatched within a filmmaking meniscus and help transportations its viewers right into some facetious and good scenes of fatality resisting accomplishments. Movies like Insane Biggest: Fierceness Highway, Atomic Blonde, Optimal Gun: Maverick, and The Raid also as long-running flick franchises such as Plan Impossible, John Wick, James Adhesion, and Rapid & Enraged are able to trap such immersive and strong scenes that require the stunt performers to safeguard sequences that are both crazy and jaw-shedding to behold. In the expire, stunt stretch for flicks (also as TV shows) wear’t recover enough credit for their initiatives in gleaning such fantastical (and crazy) sequences come alive and have to be complimented for the worthy career in snagging those love-suggesting minutes that are snatched via the camera meniscus.

This carries me ago around to speaking around The Fall Guy, a 2024 reaction-comedy flick and the the majority of current directorial openings from David Leitch. I can’t grasp ago in mind once I first heard around this openings, yet I perform grasp ago in mind hearing that Leitch’s next off flick (after Bullet Subway) was visiting celeb both actor Ryan Gosling and starlet Emily Honest in the 2 lead guises of the utility. Of program, the mere premeditating out that both Gosling and Honest, both who owned incredible and beefy profitability in their matching 2023 flicks in both Barbie and Oppenheimer (aka “Barbiehemier”) obtained everyone distressed, entailing myself. In improvement, displayed Leitch’s stature of having facetious reaction accomplishments in his utility, The Fall Guy seemed right up his street, which conceivably obtained me distressed to appointment it. The flick’s motion image trailers sure did enhance my hunches, via the previews showcasing plenty of Leitch’s oomph and visual oomph for reaction scenes and some nice chemistry operating in between Gosling and Honest. So, I was instead a stack “marketed” on remarking The Fall Guy once it was seated to be unleashed on Could 3rd, 2024. I did recover a opportunity to appointment the motion image on its opening day and kneaded tricky to recover this testimony shouldered out as certainly as you can perhaps reckon of. As well as what did I imagine it? Consistently, I literally suched as it. Regardless of some expanded minutes and a few troublesome locales in the finally connector, The Fall Guy is motion image “love letter” to the stunt stretch in the arenae and instead a niche debacle as a summer smash hit undertaking. It’s not instead the optimal of Leitch’s jobs, yet it conducts come close and conducts deals the majority of beefy enjoyable (and beefy laughs) in this snacks reaction-comedy selection, which is a nice point.

As a sidenote, I perform come to be aware that this motion image is based on The Fall Guy television portray, an 80s caboodle from ABC that starred Lee Majors in the title chore (Colt Seavers) and ran for five periods (113 episodes) from 1981-1986. Singularly, I never owned the opportunity to appointment the portray, so I can’t compare the 2 and to specify what was switched, integrated, or disowned out from the new-fashioned flick openings.

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As proclaimed, The Fall Guy is directed by David Leitch, whose previous directorial jobs contain such flicks as Bullet Subway, Atomic Blonde, and John Wick. Provided his history in premeditating such reaction-oriented pics and being a stunt entertainer in his past undertakings, Leitch conducts appear like the the majority of guiltless volition to helm a openings like this. In that supportive, Leitch succeeds, approaching the item via a sensation of visual oomph for the utility to have also as maintaining up the attractiveness of both a smash hit undertaking (by today’s criteria) and being a motion image that is perpetrated to the stunt stretch. Of program, for unanimously purposes here, The Fall Guy is, a stack more or less, a kind of avidity openings for Leitch and it conducts encountered as such….in a nice and sleek approach. As proclaimed, Leitch’s history as a stunt entertainer possesses displayed his past flicks that kind of authenticity, specifically in the approach he stages and executes such crazy and love-suggesting minutes on-sport. As such, for a flick like this, Leitch shows up to be “right at residence” and choreographs plenty of of the motion image’s stunt sequences via such rigor and stabilities. That’s not to identify that he conducts via a carefree oomph as the flick conducts screens the pitfalls and pitfall for such detailed scenes that adhere to in flicks and how the stunt entertainer possesses to “snag it on the chin” to recover the silver silver coinages inoculation scene for the imagine. Leitch doesn’t just single stack the utility via eye-stomaching out minutes, yet also gives the credit to these performers and that’s instead beefy task to attain, specifically in a extensive workshop flick.

This, of program, leans right into the flick’s reaction scenes, which the motion image possesses plenty of and (anew) plays to the potencies of Leitch’s direction and history aesthetics. These sequences are (usually) the motion image’s “bread and butter” perform encouragements enhance some of the exhilarating scenes throughout the utility. The reaction is enjoyable, smart, and even rabid at times, via Leitch’s approach for such stunt performed sequences to be top-notch and instead exhilarating to watch. Hence, whether you didn’t precise treatment for the motion image’s plot as a stack, there is no robbing the fact that Leitch renders The Fall Guy a consumer “love letter” motion image tribute to the stunt filmmaking stretch.

Filtering system beyond stunt facet and nuances, Leitch conducts render the utility have that extensive-scope sensation, via the utility boasting plenty of reaction and extensive-scope points to encouragements propel the key story onward. The flick’s story, while conservative at times, conducts have enough spirit to render it job, subsequent Colt Seavers excursion to render a “return” in his career also as perpetuate to pin as certainly as anew over Jodi, while charged by subsequent clues as to the location of Tom Ryder. It’s a nostalgic story trope that possesses shouldered out plenty of times over, which can be remarking as element of criticism (a stack more on that beneath), yet Leitch shows up to be having enjoyable via the utility’s utility and renders it a extensive-scope smash hit romper that is loaded via reaction and comedy. Of program, I’ve proclaimed the flick’s activities sequence, which are similarly gauged and well-versed to the supervisor’s talents, yet the motion image’s comedy percent of the utility jobs instead well and possesses plenty of humorous laughs along the approach. Of program, the claiming talent enlisted for this openings conceivably help aid in that undertaking, yet I perform have to admit that some of the sight / physical tricks throughout the utility were instead hilarious and conceivably hosted their terribly own. The drama percent of the motion image is what I would conceivably anticipate from a smash hit imagine by the medians and medians of being instead broad, yet still relatable to a precise degree. It’s not a poor point as I didn’t anticipate this precise motion image to have a deep story of melodrama antics as it retains everything relocating. I did position myself laughing out loud throughout the motion image, which was a nice point in my recover. In the expire, Leitch conducts a nice openings in gleaning The Fall Guy a enjoyable and divine turn of a summer smash hit utility flick that commissions tribute to stunt performers out there in a motion image layer that will conceivably elegance to moviegoers.

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For its trial, The Fall Guy without a question conducts lug the motion image sport (spirit and visual oomph) of a commonplace summer smash hit undertaking. Provided the fact that the motion image itself seizes place on the flick seated of smash hit utility flick, the manufacturing peculiarity aesthetics (and feels) top notch and goes instead well via the imagine’s visual aesthetics. As proclaimed, the multifaceted reacts and winks to both the filmmaking stretch and the stunt entertainer stretch are alive and genius throughout the motion image’s trial, which without a question conducts breathe vitality throughout the manufacturing. Hence, the flick’s “behind the scenes” key players, entailing David Scheunemann (manufacturing flair), Christian Petersen (seated designs), Sarah Evelyn (outfit designs), and the entirety art direction team for gleaning their initiatives in The Fall Guy come alive via positive motion image peculiarity and visual oomph within their matching arenas.

Conversely, the cinematography job by Jonathan Sela, who owned job via Leitch plenty of times on his previous jobs, is instead exhilarating to watch. With the utility hosting (and coordinating) such nice stunt sequences, Sela’s filmmaking approach of snagging such pics is instead considerable and without a question conducts encouragements raise the flick throughout those minutes, improving everything via some quickly and sleek camera angles and exploded view also as some remarkable intake of light and tracking capitals. Plus, the flick sequences for the utility’s “Metalstorm” motion image also merit from Sela’s cinematography job, which are also nice. Last yet not the drastically least, the flick’s rating, which was concocted by Dominic Lewis, conducts prearrangement plenty of overblown and smash hit oomph throughout the motion image, which conceivably conducts compliment the utility’s filmmaking aesthetics and nuances. Lewis’s job without a question hits unanimously the right melodious tabs in both in the quieter contents and the a stack more reaction pack ones throughout the motion image, yet The Fall Guy conducts have plenty of other musical tracks in its medley for a rocking soundtrack rolodex.

Unfortunately, The Fall Guy isn’t instead the exceptionally awesome motion image that it wishes to be. It’s conceivably enjoyable, yet there are some precise variables that are instead ironed out the proper approach, which vacates the flick instead nasty and expanded at times. How so? Consistently, for beginners, the motion image conducts recover unfocused from time to time and conducts meander a piece also a stack. There are minutes in which everything in the motion image clicks the proper approach and runs exceptionally structured, which is remarking throughout the first connector of the utility. Everything is on element and striking unanimously the marks proper. After that, yet, the motion image’s plot starts to snag kind a piece a stack more, yet it isn’t as snugly woven as it can’ve been. This, of program, renders the motion image feels a stack longer than it criteria to be and expires having plenty of pacing plights throughout the the majority of of the flick’s runtime, which is single 126 mins (2 hours and 6 mins). This conceivably derives from Leitch’s helming the openings, who conducts have some woe in blending reaction and comedy angle in a few contents. Again, once it jobs, it without a question conducts job the right approach, yet there shows up to be an unfocused nature to the second and finally connector, which can’ve been closer handled. Basically, the motion image spins also a stack and loses its steam throughout the latter half (a stack more on that beneath), via Leitch struggling to position a appropriate rhythm for the utility

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In integration via this hunch, the plot conducts come up brief from time to time. I perform come to be aware the nature of the utility’s story, which doesn’t snag itself also drastically and I right wasn’t pregnant it to be. That being proclaimed, what’s present conducts appear job, yet missing out on some pieces to the story / plot, which evolves a few fragmented scenes. Probably the manuscript, which was penned by Enticed Pearce, can be the key wrongdoer behind this criticism as the story (of how it was written) draws some a stack superfluous focus, introducing some bland openings throughout. As proclaimed, the story of The Fall Guy is there, yet isn’t instead as infatuated on what it purposes to enlighten, sluggishly (at times) trying to unravel a plot that the key personality (i.e. Colt Seavers) tries to unwrap. It’s enjoyable and communicating (and even straightforward to adhere to without any type of kind of defect), yet it shows up drastically underwhelming at times, via a few particles and pieces that feel peripheral or not wholeheartedly fleshed out proper. Probably if Pearce can’ve displayed the manuscript a piece a stack more skill (or even an additional storyteller lugged on to encouragements him), then the flick’s story / plot can’ve been perfected upon. Singularly, as it stands, The Fall Guy’s story, while enjoyable and enjoyable, feels a piece half-baked in a few locales, via not enough compound in other places.

Last yet not the drastically least, the flick’s finally connector really thumbed also arduous on the utility and becomes also expanded for its terribly own nice. What perform I vindictive by that? Consistently, the last void of the motion image’s story conducts draw a culmination, yet how the utility reaches that proclaimed culmination is in which the plights start to portray the imagine some wear. Basically, the finishing connector for the motion image is far also long and retains propelling onward once it have to’ve concluded some time, which stimulate the flick to loose its steam and come to be far also yearn for its terribly own nice. Probably if the modifying process (also as direction and manuscript) were ironed out closer than this percent of the utility would conceivably’ve been a stack more exhilarating instead than running it program right into the headway for far also long. In brief, The Fall Guy’s finally connector certainly can’ve been modified down by shaving off plenty of peripheral sequences and mowing out a nice ten or so mins out of the flick’s runtime for a remover (and a stack more infatuated) finale.

The cast in The Fall Guy conducts encouragements the utility eruption overhead some of the criticisms, via the chose claiming talent (both extensive and minuscule) are solid across the board and appear to be having enjoyable throughout the entirety manufacturing. Of program, some are a piece fleshed out (and some have to’ve been a stack more fleshed than what was displayed), yet, for the the majority of void, a stack of the cast (and the individualities themselves) are enjoyable to watch and go around their resides throughout the flick’s story. Intuitively, the flick’s “beefy ticketed” superstars would conceivably have to be actor Ryan Gosling and starlet Emily Honest, who play the 2 lead individualities of stuntman Colt Seavers and premeditating first time supervisor / Colt’s ex-spouse-girlfriend Jody Moreno. Gosling, who is realised for his guises in The Note pad, La La Land, and Barbie, possesses without a question rendered a tag for himself in Hollywood throughout the past decade, starring in plenty of leading personality guises that have displayed him notoriety in his undertakings. Such was a personality in dabbling Ken in 2023’s Barbie, which he did excel at dabbling. Hence, displayed his elegance, Gosling as certainly as anew designs his approach via the core phase of the motion image as Colt Seavers, bring the right quantity of swagger and attractive personality to render the chore likeable and humorous throughout. Gosling recognizes how to play such a personality like Colt and conducts it instead vibrantly whenever he’s on-sport, dabbling the attractive approach that the chore refers to as for also as the wacky quirks / loveable antics. His personality is written in a identical “straightforward” approach, situating Colt’s excursion to be a familiar one, so there isn’t a entirety stack of astounds along the approach. That being proclaimed, it’s Gosling who help propel the personality onward and imbues him via a likeable personality as he struggles, fumbles, and retrieves grabbed up in some crazy predicaments throughout the program of the utility. Hence, while the personality isn’t that unanimously original or exceeding new-fashioned headway, Gosling without a question conducts snag full top clarity of dabbling such a chore like Colt Seavers; gleaning a enjoyable and attractive lead personality that’s enjoyable to watch and straightforward to origin for.

Much Gosling, Honest, who is realised for her guises in The Evil one Puts on Prada, Mary Poppins Retorts, and Oppenheimer, possesses habitually been a solid claiming talent throughout her career, cultivating a nice selection of individualities that the starlet possesses tinkered via such vitality and self-approach. Of program, her productivity in Oppenheimer shows her fashionable-blooded demeanor and screens her proficiency in dabbling such a juicy chore in a proving personality. Hence, having Honest play a void in The Fall Guy’s key story by dabbling the personality of Jody Moreno was such a satisfaction and it’s instead readable that she (Honest) is having a enjoyable time in the void. Honest carries a solid productivity, toting the majority of scenes whenever she’s in and renders for a qualified resource to bring the right quantity of sport manner also as claiming proficiency whenever termed upon. Probably the miniscule fear via the personality of Jody is that she doesn’t have a stack technology (personality-smart) than Colt Seavers and kind of doesn’t have a stack to perform in the first half of the utility. This conceivably picks up in the latter half of The Fall Guy and possesses a a stack more to perform, yet I would conceivably’ve suched as to remarking a tiny piece a stack more. Still, I really thumbed that Honest was nice in the chore and rendered the motion image unanimously the closer for it via her productivity.

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Conversely, what also help is that Gosling and Honest have nice on-sport chemistry via each other. It’s muggy and / or electrifying, yet it’s instead energetic via their “ago-and-forth” banter / elaborations that they have via each other. This plainly shows that Gosling and Honest obtained along while filming The Fall Guy and this comes across superbly in the relationship via Colt and Jody share.

Filtering system beyond those 2 individualities, the motion image conducts sheen a limelight on the chore of Tom Ryder, a beefy-time / A-lister reaction celeb who Colt stunt increases for, and who is tinkered by actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Avengers: Era of Ultron and Bullet Subway). While not as durable as the individualities Colt and Jody, Tom Ryder conducts play an integral void of The Fall Guy’s story, claiming as the stimulant to propel the motion image’s plot onward. For his void, Taylor-Johnson is nice in the chore and plays up the pompousness and boastful mentality that usually originates beefy-time flick superstars that are sometimes realised, suggesting them to the “core of the universes” and not empathetic around anything else. Of program, it’s a stepping trope of a cliché to have in the motion image, yet, for his void, it’s what the imagine refers to as for and Taylor-Johnson is solid in that potential.

In the proving personality team, who literally retrieves the the majority of sport time (and shows up to savoring it) is starlet Hannah Waddingham (Ted Lasso and How to Lose Accomplices & Estrange Human beings), who plays the personality of Gail Meyer, Tom Ryder’s mastermind who is supervising Jody’s motion image. While a side personality throughout the motion image, Waddingham plays up Gail’s dialogue minutes instead well, which is loaded via plenty of antics and zingers that are hilarious throughout. This is conceivably why she retrieves the majority of sport in The Fall Guy and unanimously the closer for it. Conversely, actor Winston Battle each other (Black Panther and Us) conducts prearrangement plenty of beefy laughs in the chore of Dan Tucker, Colt’s optimal chum and stunt coordinator on Metalstorm. Battle each other’s oomph sheen via in the motion image and possesses just the right quantity of humor and laughs to render this side personality enjoyable and enjoyable throughout. Plus, he’s a personality that relishes approximating motion image lines up throughout the flick and I loved that. The 2 other proving individualities, entailing starlets Teresea Palmer (Lights Out and I Am Figure Four) and Stephanie Hsu (Joys Tour and Everything Anywhere Unanimously at When) appear like past opportunity as Ryder’s girlfriend / co-celeb Iggy Celebrity and Ryder’s consumer servant Alma Milan. Both have seemingly enjoyable and enjoyable overview once they first appear on-sport and perform add to the vivid flavor of the individualities / story, yet they are immediately neglected in the motion image’s story (and in the flick itself), which is unsatisfactory. Both Palmer and Hsu are nice starlets and I would conceivably’ve suched as to appointment a stack more from them in the motion image. It just shows up like waster opportunity for these 2 sheen in.

The rest of the cast, entailing actor Ben Knight (Bay of Fires and The Warriors) as lead henchmen Dressler, actor Matuse (Cedar Boys and Underbelly) as medication leader Doone, actor Adam Dunn (Elvis and Drunk History: Australia) as Nigel, and starlet Zara Michales (The Commons and Sleeping Mutts) as Venti Kushner are delegated to minuscule proving individualities in the motion image. While a few have a stack more sport time than others, I really thumbed that this team of claiming talent (as a entirety) did a instead decent openings in their matching guises, despite their banned sport time, and without a question did disown a mark on the scenes that they were in.

Last yet not the drastically least, the motion image conducts have a tiny key Easter Egg scene at the expire of the flick, which takes place throughout the mid-credit ratings percent. I won’t fiasco up it, yet it was conceivably instead humorous and enjoyable. So, be sure to still around to appointment.

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Filtering system to recover “ago in the arcade” and reconnect via his previous devotee, Colt Seavers antiphons to the earth of being a stuntman, yet retrieves in approach over his head once he’s charged to position the flick’s missing out on lead actor in the motion image The Fall Guy. Director David Leitch’s the majority of current flick seizes the utility of a Hollywood stuntman and mixtures that right into an reaction-comedy framework, which conducts merit in some plenty “tongue and cheek” revelry and facetious reaction cinematics throughout. While the motion image conducts neutralize in situating a appropriate rhythm of equilibrium in some key locales and becomes unfocused a bit throughout the latter half, the flick still deals plenty of smash hit escapism thanks to Leitch’s pointer stuntman mounting for the utility, the reaction sequences, the hilarious humor, the solid trial, and a majority of cast, specifically in Gosling and Honest in the lead guises. Personally, I suched as this motion image. Of program, it wasn’t something expound-of-the-art unalike or goes beyond what plenty of were assuming around this openings to be, yet it was still a nice and enjoyable escape right into a motion image reaction-comedy undertaking. It rendered me laugh a stack and obtained me distressed via unanimously the facetious reaction accomplishments and explosion, which is nice unit, also as taste the flick’s 2 key leads, who were enjoyable and communicating throughout. Could there been a stack more to the flick or modifying / variations rendered? Of program, there can’ve been, yet (catching the utility at face top clarity) it’s conceivably well worth the rate of enrollment. Is it the optimal of Letich’s jobs? Consistently, I still reckon Bullet Subway was a tiny closer, yet it comes close behind it. Hence, my reference for this motion image would conceivably be a solid “suggested” as it’s nice flick to disengage from the real earth and gain a instead enjoyable reaction-comedy snacks smash hit. In the expire, The Fall Guy, despite its faults, is enjoyable and satisfaction summer motion image-esque imagine that includes unanimously the pizzazz and razzmatazz one would conceivably anticipate from a workshop tentpole also as being a consumer “love letter” to the arenae’s stunt stretch.

3.9 Out of 5 (Advisable)

Unleashed On: Could 3rd, 2024
Weighed On: June 15th, 2024

The Fall Guy is 126 mins long and is ranked PG-13 for reaction and physical violence, medication content, and some durable language

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